Eigen Network January Newsletter

Eigen Network
3 min readFeb 6, 2022

This is our monthly progress report, please check out the updates on product, technology, and community building.

Development & Product Spotlight 🕵️‍♂️

  1. EigenSecret Dashboard: The User Guide has been updated here, https://ieigen.github.io/#/docs/Usage/Overview. In the guide, there are 4 parts, Overview, Send, Exchange and Tools, and Multisig Wallet corresponding to the functionality of Eigen Secret.
  2. EigenSecret Dashboard: The new message system has been launched for syncing the status of whether transactions are confirmed or not, we use the Sub and Pub mechanism to implement the consistency between blockchain and Eigen Service.
  3. Eigen Social Login: Using a lazy loading mechanism to load and decrypt keys in the user’s private space. This improves the user experience greatly of login and first-time payment in one session.
  4. The Eigen MultiSig Wallet NCW has been launched as the GA(General Available) version, NCW enables you to enjoy Social recovery, Multiple signature transactions, Payment limits, Wallet lock and unlock.
  5. Eigen Credential DEX: Privacy-preserving DEX for valuable data exchange is under design. By this product, differ from the data as NFT, you can share your crypto experience and activities in Web3.0 as your Proof of Work without exposing the details or privacy of your personal data, and thus train a collaborative Machine Learning model with every participant. Using this model, everyone can get their certificate to prove their skills or engagement in Web3. More details will be revealed in our Medium.

Media Highlights 🚀

  1. You are wanted to give any feedback to our new features. Those are some highlights of our product. The entrance is here: https://ieigen.github.io/#/docs/Usage/Overview

2. New publishing: we are writing a series of posts of the Zero Knowledge Proof, from 101 to the latest protocols, like Plonk and Halo2.

Contribute to Eigen 🤝

Privacy is essential to the security and adoption of Web3, from DeFi to NFTs and beyond. Eigen Network brings cost-effectiveness and privacy to Ethereum and will be foundational to the next generation of successful Web3 applications.

We are looking for some fantastic people to help build our team. Below we will have all of our active roles, please apply if you are interested in any of them:

  • Full-stack engineers
  • Solidity developers
  • NodeJS developers
  • Backend engineers

Come and join us! You are always welcome to join our discord to chat with team members. If you are interested in Eigen Network, contact us directly.

About Eigen Network

Eigen is the first private computing network on Layer 2. Powered by the FL and Hardware-software synergy, moving value from web2.0 to web3.0, by building a new creator economy.

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